Sunday, December 13, 2009

Women Loss Of Hair Is Low Thyroid Function

The more common cause of women loss of hair is low thyroid function, which is common amidst menopausal women. For a lot of them, the loss is permanent. But a lot of reasons of women loss of hair are treatable. Meeting your doctor can assist you to get to the root of the trouble. Most women first go through hair thinning and hair loss where they part their hair and on the crown of the head, but don't have a receding hairline. One of the most basic forms of women loss of hair (and men) is a condition known as telogen effluvium, in which there is widely spread out molting of hairs around the scalp and other areas.

1 comment:

  1. My father has hypothyroidism and his hair is falling and his appetite has decreased...But when he started taking desiccated porcine thyroid supplements , I noticed that he's recovering much faster.
